Giving back

Your Generosity is Common Ground’s Generosity.

Common Ground’s ability to generously extend a more abundant life to our community here in Central Oregon is made possible in large part through the generosity of our community members. Thanks for partnering with us as we seek to grow a movement of Jesus followers who reflect His heart in the outdoor community of Central Oregon.

When you give to Common Ground 100% of your donation goes to this mission and supports things like our weekly LifeGroups and monthly CG Gathers, service projects and partnerships in the local outdoor community, keeping admission to our retreats and recreation events incredibly low if not free, and providing aid to individuals and families experiencing tough seasons in life. All of the above is changing lives for the better; thanks for being part of Common Ground.

Below are two giving platforms we use along with brief explanations for each of them.

ways of giving to common ground

Common Ground is a local community of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. When giving through Adventist Giving, pastoral salaries, including our pastor’s, are covered through “Tithe” while Common Ground’s local operations are funded through “Local Church Budget.”

PLEASE NOTE: 100% of donations received through this platform go directly to their indicated recipient(s) WITH NO TRANSACTION FEE.

Common Ground can also receive donations through Venmo.

PLEASE NOTE: Donations received through Venmo have a 2-3 percent transaction fee.

If you’d prefer to mail a check, please direct it to following address:

1005 NW Galveston Ave, Ste 210 
Bend OR 97701 

(Attn Common Ground)
